
Appointments in the workshop? How to get them

Appointments in the workshop? How to get them

To increase the number of customers in the workshop, it is necessary to invest in advertising, but also to offer quality and convenient service.

In addition, it is important to make yourself known in the area where the workshop is located and try to build customer loyalty.

The possibilities are many and in particular:

  • Advertising;
  • Quality service;
  • Getting known in the area;
  • Building customer loyalty.


Advertising is a great way to make yourself known to potential customers.

You can invest in advertising in local media, such as radio or television.

In addition, you can put up posters in strategic locations, such as near gas stations or in parking lots.

Online advertising can also be used through advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn by selecting specific targets for the brands served.

Quality service

It is important to offer quality, efficient and convenient service.

Clients need to be satisfied with the work done and the turnaround time.

In addition, it is important to offer after-sales service to build customer loyalty.

However, it is not enough to offer quality service: its value must be made to be perceived through continuous and systematic customer attention.

Getting known in the area

To increase the number of customers, it is important to make yourself known in the area where the workshop is located.

An open day can be organized, where customers can visit the workshop and meet the mechanics.

In addition, you can organize themed events, such as a road safety day.

Human relations through digital avenues between professional operators and customers can also be particularly useful.

Build customer loyalty

Once new customers have been acquired, it is important to retain them so as to derive maximum benefit.

A discount can be offered on the second service or on products purchased from the workshop.

In addition, you can organize periodic events, such as a day dedicated to the maintenance of your car.

But the best solution is one that, thanks to technology, enables relevant communication with the individual customer while maintaining continuous contact.


Eureka SmartCar: how can it be useful?

Eureka SmartCar is the loyalty solution based on an OBDII key installed on the car and a mobile application available on the customer’s smartphone that allows the dealer to receive real-time information and carry out personalized communication activities.

With respect to the previously listed needs, Eureka SmartCar, is explicit as an integrated solution that fulfills them all in full:

  • Advertising: It allows relevant communication of offers, promotions, events and any other type of marketing or commercial communication;
  • Quality service: it allows to offer an advanced telediagnostic service in real time;
  • Getting known in the area: it represents an innovative solution that allows immediate visibility in potential customers;
  • Customer loyalty: allows you to stay in continuous contact with the customer.

Workshop appointments? Eureka SmartCar takes care of that.


Milano, Italy
Via Meravigli 18 | 20123 MILANO MI

