
Identify the automotive customer? Here’s how to do it

Identify the automotive customer? Here's how to do it

In the past, getting to know an automotive customer was a much simpler process.

Dealers knew who their customers were and what they wanted, and they focused on selling them the car of their dreams.

Today, with the enormous amount of information available online, dealers have to work much harder to really understand who their buyers are and what they want.

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to get to know your car buyer as well as possible. Here’s a guide on how to do that:

  • Use social media: social media is a great way to get to know a car buyer better; most people use social media every day, so it’s a great place to start by following the profiles of competitors and automakers that customers are interested in and watching what they share; that way you can learn a lot about what they are interested in and what they are looking for in a car;
  • Doing online research: by researching online to read articles and blogs that talk about the latest trends in the automotive industry, it is possible to get an idea of what car buyers are looking for and what they are most interested in; also, by checking online forums dedicated to car buying, it is possible to read opinions and advice from car buyers about different models and brands;
  • Watching online videos: online videos are another great way to learn about the latest trends in the automotive industry; there are many YouTube channels dedicated to cars and automotive technology that can be followed to get an idea of what car buyers are looking for; also, watching test drive videos is a great way to understand what car buyers like and dislike about a particular car model;
  • Talking to people: by talking to people who have recently purchased a car and asking them what led them to their purchase decision and what they considered before taking the plunge you can learn a lot about what car buyers are interested in and what they look for in a car.
  • Using data: data is another great way to learn more about a car buyer; there are solutions, such as Eureka SmartCar, that allow you to understand how your customers use their cars; this information is especially useful for proposing relevant and personalized services and news.

Getting to know a car buyer is important to ensure that you are selling the right car: a customer’s fulfilled dream corresponds to a new future car sold.


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